Make Your Own Cake Pop Bar (Poptivity)

Make Your Own Cake Pop Bar (Poptivity)
Before purchasing a MYOCP Bar for your event, please head here and fill out an inquiry form!
Would you love an event activity that keeps your guests entertained AND results in a sweet treat? Then let us come to you with our Make Your Own Cake Pop (MYOCP) Bar! Your guests can have fun making their own cake pops, and then either devour them immediately or take them home as a favor.
Price: $300 for the first hour, $150 for additional hours.
Pop quantity: Unlimited. We’ll bring enough supplies to keep your guests entertained and fed for as long as we’re there.
Pop supplies: Pre-proportioned chocolate or vanilla dough that your guests will roll into balls, and then dip into chocolate or vanilla candy coating. They will have several sprinkle options for decorating their pops with, and we can even customize a sprinkle mix to go with your event theme!